Lakes-related legislative updates from our partner, Maine Lakes

April 8, 2023

Good afternoon,

LD 693 has been in the spotlight lately but I hope all of you working to prevent or control invasive aquatic species will support LD 1342.


 This bill will increase the Lake and River Protection sticker fee by $10 for in-state registered boats (out of state boat registration is already much higher) and have it go up by $2 every two years to deal with inflation (for both in-state and out-of-state registered boats).

 We will need your help to pass this important legislation!

 No hearing date has been set yet.

 Colin Holme, Lakes Environmental Association


March 18, 2023

Speak up to Support LD 693

Please consider speaking at the upcoming public hearing in support of LD 693, a bill to prohibit large wakes within 500 feet of shore and in water less than 20 feet deep. We expect strong opposition to the bill from boaters who are concerned that this rule opens the door to additional regulations, from wakeboat owners who don’t want restrictions on where they can operate, and also from the wakeboat industry. Your voice before the committee is absolutely essential to make this bill succeed.

Wednesday, March 22, at 1 PM

Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee

Room 206 of the Cross Office building

Note: This bill is likely the last item on the agenda for the afternoon, after a report to the committee and two other hearings (though it could get moved ahead if the room is full of people waiting to testify, we won’t know the final schedule until the hearing starts). If you are testifying by Zoom or in person, be prepared to be patient. Bring a book or some work to do or a craft project to keep you occupied until it’s time to speak!

You can also testify over Zoom (on video or on the phone) or you can submit written testimony any time (ideally prior to the hearing).

FMI on the options for testimony, click here.

To read our full alert on LD 693, click here.

To read our fact sheet click here.

For bill updates and additional information, click here.


To see testimony submitted so far, click here. Click on the “V” beside LD 693 to see a list of testimony, including some wonderful testimony submitted by lake association members.


February 17, 2023

LD 164 An Act To Fund the Lake Restoration and Protection Fund

This bill provides ongoing allocations of $9,000,000 to the Department of Environmental Protection, Lake Restoration and Protection Fund to help fund costs related to projects that improve or maintain the quality of lake waters.

Maine Lakes Fact Sheet LD 164


April 7, 2022

Great legislative news … In addition to having the invasive subcommittee bill (LD 1826, below) signed into law today, the Governor was enthusiastically supporting the fight against invasives spread, the boater safety bill (LD 1663, below) has passed the House (with a vote of 91-39…you can see who voted NO here: https://legislature.maine.gov/LawMakerWeb/rollcall.asp?ID=280080736&chamber=H&serialnumber=505). It went under the hammer (approved with no roll call) in the Senate, had a second House vote today and awaits a final Senate vote (or another under the hammer situation).

LD 1826 An Act To Create A Subcommittee Of The Interagency Task Force On Invasive Aquatic Plants And Nuisance Species To Recommend Ways To Reduce The Threat Of Further Infestations. Now law, this bill establishes a new state-level committee that will report regularly to the Legislature and recommend new laws and regulations to combat and prevent freshwater invasives. Read coverage in the Press Herald

LD 1663 An Act To Improve Boating Safety on Maine Waters. A bill to make education and safety classes mandatory for many boaters. Read coverage in the Maine Monitor