Fostering the next generation of

environmental leaders

The CRLA fosters the next generation of environmental leaders as members of our Youth Conservation Corps (YCC). The YCC completes as many as 20 water quality protection projects each summer within the watersheds of China Lake, Threemile Pond and Webber Pond. YCC projects are a collaborative effort of the CRLA, our partners that provide technical design assistance and the China LakeSmart program.

Each summer, the YCC Crew of 4 to 8 members conducts environmental projects on both public and private properties to protect CRLA’s lakes from soil erosion and other pollutant sources. The installation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) at private and public land sites includes: vegetative buffers, infiltration steps, rain gardens, applying erosion control mulch, and others. Many YCC projects help landowners meet LakeSmart Award criteria.

The YCC’s implementation of erosion control methods have proven to be low-cost, effective methods of protecting water quality.


In 2018, the YCC also provided support to the Alewife Restoration Initiative. Crew members helped with a native plant restoration effort at the site of the former Masse Dam on China Lake Outlet Stream in Vassalboro.

The YCC Crew (left to right): Lenna Laws, Maddy Boyton, Sage Hapgood, Garrett Keezer, Antoine Jacobs, Cody Daigneault at Outlet Stream, Vassalboro.