Aquatic Invasives

Courtesy Boat Inspections are the first line of defense against invasive aquatic species (IAS) entering waterbodies of Maine.

The CBI program has been highly successful, with an average of 80,000 boats in Maine inspected per year since inception in 2001.

IAS include fish, wildlife, or plants that are not native to Maine and pose a threat of quickly spreading and dominating the ecosystem. In Maine to name just a few that have already arrived : variable-leaf milfoil, Northern pike, black crappie, rusty crayfish, brittle naiad, and banded mystery snails.

Maine is very concerned about the Zebra Mussel in nearby New Brunswick and Quebec catching a ride to Maine waters. Avid filter feeders, they deplete plankton which native fish and native mussels need. Zebra Mussels can foul boats and intake pipes such as the Kennebec Water District system in China Lake.

The Courtesy Boat Inspection program, developed through the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, is the first defense against invaders. You can view a video of a typical Courtesy Boat Inspection below. These voluntary inspections are proven to reduce the spread of invasive aquatic species by boats, trailers, and associated equipment to our lakes. CBIs offer boaters assistance in inspecting both motorized, non-motorized, trailer, and other equipment when entering and exiting the water.

What do CBIs do? As boaters launch and remove their boats from the water, CBIs:

  • Discuss with boaters how invasive aquatic plants spread

  • Show boaters how to inspect boats and equipment for plant fragments

  • Urge boaters to inspect before and after every launch

  • Distribute information about invasive plants

  • Articulate Maine law regarding the transport of these plants.

Curious what a courtesy boat inspection is like? Check out the video below to see a model inspection following COVID-19 guidelines.

2023 Maine Summit - Invasive Aquatic Species

Lakes Environmental Association’s annual Maine Summit on Invasive Aquatic Species offers a wealth of information on the state of aquatic invasives. Click on the title above which will take you to LEAs Youtube stream of the full summit from 2023, highlighting speakers from Canada to talk about Zebra Mussel infestations.

Click on the map for up to date locations of invasive plant infestations in Maine waters.

~ Maintained by the Maine DEP ~

Lake Stewards of Maine 2024 poster featuring 15 most unwanted invasive plants.

Clean Drain Dry

Click on the IF&W link

New Law in 2023: An Act to Minimize the Propagation of Invasive Aquatic Plants