Kennebec Water District to Host Public Meeting for Forestry Operations

5:30-6:30 Wednesday, Dec. 1

KWD Water Treatment Plant

462 Main St., Vassalboro

Remote participation option available upon request


VASSALBORO - The Kennebec Water District (KWD) will host a public information meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2021 to review KWD’s forest management and harvesting plans.

In 2019, KWD hired Comprehensive Land Technologies, Inc. (CLT) of China to develop a forest management plan for KWD’s lands around the West Basin of China Lake. The goal of this plan is to promote an uneven-aged, mixed species forest to realize the highest possible water quality. Included in this plan are recommendations for improving the health of the forest through selective harvesting. As such, KWD anticipates conducting a selective harvest of the South Peninsula in the winter of 2021-2022.

Attend the public meeting on Dec. 1 to learn more. The full Forest Management Plan and the South Peninsula Harvest plan can be found on the source water page of the KWD website .


China Lake Watershed Planning Meeting